One of the most frequently ask questions we are asked by potential clients is "How Reliable Are Your Buses?"
Our buses have all been restored to a very high standard - you only have to view our vehicles to see the flawless quality of their paint, bodywork and interior seating to appreciate the quality of our restoration process.
Once restored and back on the road carrying passengers our buses are subject to thorough safety checks by an independent contractor, these happen every 10 weeks. Furthermore, our policy of preventative maintenance ensures they are very reliable vehicles.
They were designed to do 250 miles a day in London, nowadays they don't do anywhere this amount of mileage - after all they are nearly 60 years old!
We are members of the Routemaster Owners Association and so have access to a large pool of spare parts as well as knowledge from mechanical experts.
We are proud to own a fleet of vintage London Buses and we love sharing them, thats why we offer them for private hire. We are passionate about what we do, so please sign up to receive our regular blog posts as we continue to share our enjoyment of operating the iconic London Routemaster Bus.